The National Disability Insurance Scheme (also called the NDIS) is the new way to improve the quality of life of people living with disability, their families, and carers in Australia. Under this scheme, Australians under the age of 65 having permanent and significant disability gets the fund required to support their needs and goals to live life independently and comfortably. The people with disability get direct control over their funding providing them the flexibility and choice of support to meet their individual needs.

The NDIS helps people with disability to:

  • access mainstream services and supports including the health system and education systems
  • access community services and supports including community groups, sports clubs, and charities
  • maintain informal support by getting help from family and friends which is an important part of everyone’s lives
  • get reasonable and necessary funds to support their living and live an independent and ordinary life


Eligibility for NDIS funding depends upon the following conditions:

  • Individual who is aged between 7 and 65 years
  • Individual who is a permanent resident or citizen of Australia or holds a special category visa
  • Must be dependent on support from another person due to a permanent and significant disability
  • Have been using special equipment due to a permanent and significant disability
  • Need support to meet their future needs and goals

Key points for providers are :

  • People with disability get the flexibility to choose their providers
  • Over 460,000 Australians with a disability will enter the NDIS in the coming years
  • There are immense growth opportunities for providers who quickly reciprocate to this new demand
  • Resources and tools will be provided to providers to adopt the new market environment

Still have questions in mind? Feel free to get in touch with us.